" Gentle Grooming For Your Best Friend "
Why I Love Your Dogs! (and mine too)
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Riley is relaxed about this grooming stuff.

Dugan the Border Collie says, "Give me all your toys!" Toys are obliterated in seconds, with gusto, because it's his job you know!

Lucy speaks.

Look up "adorable" in the dictionary...Look, it's Max!

Joanne's Buddy was my buddy too.

Franklin. He's a rock star. You can't get a bad photo of him - he's always posing!

Rocky says, "A mistake has been made. Excuse me, but I am too cute to be in a doghouse!"

Tink is having a bad hair day!

What is not to love about this dear little dog Alex?

Stella is curious.

Havanese are known for their sense of balance and for their sense of humor - as Bhakti illustrates here!

Alfie, you look so proud and handsome in your new Scarlet Dreamcoat!

Rest in peace little Duncan. I love this picture. It's a sweet memory of you.

Harley and his Mom ride to the groomers in style! (Safety first at all times-wear your goggles!)

Roxie gives me some "paw".

Well-loved puggies hear Mom coming.

Visiting Nubble Light with friends this summer.

Bentley's accidental "mohawk" during bathtime made me smile!

You just want to hug Sammy the Springer, even before her bath!

Annie, you have a very loonnnggg tongue!

Look at that silly tail! (No, you cannot get it as an add-on service in the shop.) It's a Buddy exclusive!

Chloe and Hannah on vacation in Camden on the Maine coast.

This is the poodle that made me fall in love with poodles!

Hannah puts up with me playing with her hair.

Zeke the Pekapoo goes airborne for treats!

My Josh with BoBo and Daisy. He "doggie-sits" the babies and they adore him!

Dogs do the funniest things and don't hold back showing their feelings. I guess CoCo was ready for a nap.....

Smokey knows how to relax!

I miss you CoCo

Mitzy is amazing!

Olive shows off her fluffy aussie fanny!

Jazmyn jumps for joy!

Patient Brie.

Chloe says, "Let's play!"

Mr. Higgins in the "Zone". He was clearly enjoying the massage part of his bath - he quit howling, pointed his nose upward and remained in this trance-like state while I photographed him!

These two look like they're up to something!

Stella, you are adorable!

Rascal checks out the back yard.

Wow Paco! That's a lot of shed hair for such a little dog! Even you seem impressed with your accomplishment!

Dignified Miss Abby is Daddy's girl.

A frequent pose for Bobo. Thank you Bobo for taking it outside!

I'm impressed with Shiela's Preston. He comes to get spiffed up just prior to competing in obedience trials.

Hannah checking out the treats at the pet supply store. She walked sideways on her hind feet to get a good view!

You're killin' me Chase, you're just so darn cute!!!

Tink is having a bad hair day!